Thứ Bảy ngày 15 tháng 2 năm 2025

CẬP NHẬT: Happy New Year 2015 trên Times Square New York.


Năm mới đã tới… Happy New Year!

+ Nguồn ảnh: Internet. Thanks.

150101-new-york-new-year-01 Fireworks explode five minutes late around the ball and countdown clock in Times Square on New Year's Eve in New York A couple embraces on a balcony amidst confetti after the clock strikes midnight during New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square, New York Revellers toss confetti over Times Square from a hotel balcony as the clock strikes midnight during New Year's Eve celebrations in New York 150101-new-york-new-year-05 New Years Eve 150101-new-york-new-year-07 Revellers toss confetti over Times Square from a hotel after the clock struck midnight during New Year's Eve celebrations in New York 150101-new-york-new-year-09 In this aerial image over Midtown, Manhattan, revealers are seen taking part in New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square, New York Confetti engineer Norm Larsen tosses confetti onto revellers from the roof of the Marriott Marquis hotel during New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square in New York